Sunday, January 18, 2015

I'm baaaaaack!!!

Wow! It has been such a long time since my last post. Incredible. It's funny, though, how this blog is always in the back of my mind and how much I want to write but... I simply... don't :/. Today I have decided to remedy that.
I was reading back on some of my posts. It's nice to just to read back on some of the things I liked at the time and think about what I would have done differently with a particular project. But most of all, I'm realizing how little I do what I love the most :(.

So here I am, trying to start doing what I enjoy the most. I haven't stopped knitting completely, but I am not doing it as often as I want to and should be. Additionally, I will be doing other things I have been meaning to do, and will include them here.

I am 30 this year. Thirty!! I love it!!! I feel like I have hit a milestone in life and love the fact that I am here. I feel like I am starting a fresh new start. There are some people that take this as a moment to look back on what they have accomplished. I cannot say I am a failure what so ever. However, I haven't really accomplished any goals. What can I say? Life happens. But it's not over. I have decided that this will be the decade to work on ME. All that I have wanted to do but just not gotten around to. From finishing knitting projects, starting my podcast back up, having a healthier life style (i.e. losing weight), and going back to school to get a degree.

There will still be plenty of knitting in my blog, but I will be blogging about all the other things I want to do. I have not decided yet if I will be writing separate blogs about each of my goals or all in one. Maybe, separate... or a little of all in one. Ah! Who knows. But it will happen. I have too many thoughts in my head not to write them down.

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